Truth or Dare?

Man, when he does not grieve, hardly exist.

——Antonio Porchia

When I am in a party playing the “Truth or Dare” game. I always choose “Dare”. Cause when I choose the “Truth”, I have to consider about the fierce question with dare, and telling the truth bravely. Therefore, choosing “dare” will be much easier.

In my post diary “Finally, Lost in reality” in February, I talked that you would talk with me how great your scuba diving was, while I was talking about the ocean that I saw from the documentary. Finally, I got the Scuba Diving License on March. Yes, the ocean is as beautiful as you have described. In this semester, I have changed a lot. From someone who believes in institutional hierarchy to the one who would like to hear more from multiple artists. From someone who would learn from books to someone who would listen to others.


One day when I was in Sweden, I have met an artist in an art material store. I was new there, and I was choosing the best paint material for my model in a filmmaking project. The shop assistant tried every material from water color till propene. Then, we had a short talk to appreciate her help. Her name is Lotta, a watercolor artist in Sweden. Then, we had a meeting in a cafe. I created a “100 artists” project in Art Map, aiming at helping emerging artists to public their own lives to public.


From Lotta

The day when we were meeting, I brought up all of my setups to record her her talking, and ready for publish. When I questioned her that “Oh, you must be a fan of Wassily Kandinsky so that you can combine his theory about construction well in your painting”. She asked me “Who is Wassily Kandinsky?”. It was my first time doubting the institutional knowledge. We are always using our so-called magnificent knowledge to apply to other’s expression. When the dialogue came to the end, she picked up the phone that her husband was calling her. I said to her “Oh, thank you for your interview. I don’t trust in relationship. But from your case that you and your husband is so close to each other so that I may start to believe it again”. She told me that her husband was calling her to be in the bank to talk about the divorce. The last sentence she left was that “Don’t trust in marriage”.

Thousands of artists have their thousands if mournings and happiness. I am glad that I have written down my feelings that day, and thanks to Art Entrepreneurship which turned me back to put artists on the center.



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