Settling into a Model

Last week, we had the chance to sit down and meet as a group to make some concrete decisions about where we wanted to go for our branding, and what our minimum viable product needed to look like. It’s amazing how much progress a meeting of the minds can make, especially when you change your surroundings. Our group decided to meet in an outdoor space that we were considering using for our MVP, and it gave us lots of room to play with names, images, and branding concepts for our company. (Something called the Party Brigade may be coming to a university near you!)

What has been helpful about this week was having concrete talking points to use when sharing our ideas with potential costumers/audience members. Over the last several weeks, whenever I sit down to talk with someone about our company it has been very abstract, surrounded by “what ifs” and “maybe so’s.” While it has been enough for the purposes of this class, I hadn’t had a moment where I was able to give a more concrete pitch to a potential audience member until this week.

Being able to show potential names, slogans, and images for what we’re now calling “The Party Brigade” has been incredibly helpful when talking to students and university presenters alike about our project. Has all of the feedback been overwhelmingly positive? No, but the criticisms and positive remarks alike have been incredibly direct and helpful, rather than hypothetical and vaporous. This week has instilled another round of confidence in me about our project idea and has certainly allowed me to see exactly the direction that we are headed with our event production services idea. No longer is the group operating from a place of confusion, but rather a place of creativity, understanding and power. I certainly think that we have gotten to a place where we can launch a successful prototype to find out even more about our ideas and plans.

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