A Successful Failure

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”

——Joseph Campbell


Photo from internet

Well, if you can see your customers value in your notebook written by your, after spending days and nights sitting in the library alone. Unfortunately, it’s not your customers’ value. The reason of this failure is neither you are not smart enough nor you don’t think hard enough. Your customers’ value only exists after you raise your hypotheses, and test them with your real customers.

I withdrew 3 value propositions that we, as a group, thought would be applied to artists. What if a platform can provide: 1) design/ branding/ marketing services; 2) physical spaces for artists’ presentation; 3) collect data/informations for artists, such as other artists’ work. Are you willing to pay for it?

“Talk less, smile more, don’t let them know what you’re against and what you’re for”

In order to get fair feedbacks, we’d better not influence interviewees’ natural thoughts. Don’t influence them with our subjective opinions, encourage them to speak for themselves.


Photo by: Yago Partal” Zoo Portraits”

A visual designer,

  1. I am a branding designer. (With lots of “?????” and a big “NO”).
  2. Yes. Both for my financial need and exposure need.
  3. Yes. If I can get the data, I can learn more. More importantly, I can show the report to my clients, asking for a more fair payment.


Photo by: Yago Partal” Zoo Portraits”

A young public/installation artist, who is not active in art market.

  1. Yes. I think it will be super helpful for both pure artists and commercial artists. (I didn’t ask for his definitions of “pure” and “commercial” artists. Cause it might lead this conversation to another topic, and also, disagreements.)
  2. Yes. For me, I think more exhibition opportunities will help me to reach out more audiences.
  3. No. I already have many accesses to get informations. I don’t need more from chaos.


Photo by: Yago Partal” Zoo Portraits”

An easel painting artist, who is active in both international and national art markets.

  1. No. The only thing I trust is my painting, which can represent me. That is my brand.
  2. No. I have more than enough opportunities. I don’t need more ways to promote myself.
  3. No. I already have my art circle. I need time to paint alone, but not wasting time in other things.

Those are only 3 artists’ feedbacks that I have interviewed about the value propositions. I appreciate their honesty, even though, those reactions are far away from my prediction. However, it is the reality…



Lesson3, 4, 5 from Udacity. https://www.udacity.com/

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